Period Power

I have just completed an amazing training in Menstruation cycle awareness and yin yoga with Kitty Maguire and Sue Flamm. I know this can be a touchy subject for some as we don’t all have a great relationship with our cycle or even know it. For some it can be a dark time and for others its barely noticeable. Each experience is valid and the more positive awareness we create can help us live an embodied and liberated expression of ourselves. No matter if you bleed or not we are cyclical beings so this practice is inclusive of everyone. If you don’t bleed you can follow the moons cycle to track your experiences. If you are interested in learning more about your cycle, I highly recommend the book Wild Power and if you want to start tracking, Print enough MCA charts to complete at least 6 cycles. These were part of our Nature of Nurture course to pass onto anyone interested. Print extra for friends or students, so you can share the cycle awareness and learn from each other’s insights.
Day 1 of your menstrual cycle is when you actually start to bleed and need to use a pad, cup or tampon.
Spotting or the little traces do not count as day 1 because this can be from your previous bleed.

Menstrual & Moon cycle awareness charts to download via Kitty Maguire 29 day cycle 36 day cycle or 46 day cycle

Nicola Moran